You see, although I set my alarm clocks (I have 3 active alarm clocks: iPod, cell phone, clock radio) to wake me up at a certain time each morning, I never wake up when I intend to. Even though I have my alarms spread out across the corners of my room so that I have to physically get up to press snooze or shut them off, it's of no use. I've memorized each alarm clock's location so I don't even have to open my eyes anymore to find them. As a result, this means I'm constantly pressing the snooze button to get those extra few minutes of sleep.
So what to do?
Well, Gauri Nanda, an MIT "Marquis-de-grad" graduate has created the perfect solution: An alarm clock that runs away and hides when you press snooze!!! Known simply as "Clocky", this elusive alarm clock will jump off your table (up to 3 feet) and pretty much roll away from you until you decide to get your lazy ass out of bed to grab a hold of it and make it STFU!!!
Exactly what I need!
(Buy it now)

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